
Dr Sahar Validi

Senior Lecturer
EBS - Strategy, Operations and Entrepreneurship (SOE)
Dr Sahar Validi



Sahar joined the University of Essex Business School, Strategy, Operations and Entrepreneurship (SOE) group as a Senior Lecturer in Business Analytics in October 2022. She is currently Deputy Head of SOE Group at Essex Business School. She holds a PhD in Management Science, a Master's degree in Industrial Management-Operational Research, a Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education, and a Bachelor's degree in Business Management. She is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Prior to joining EBS, she held different academic and non-academic positions in the UK, Germany, Ireland, and Iran. She worked with the University of Huddersfield (West Yorkshire, UK) from 2014 to 2022 as a Lecturer and then Senior Lecturer of Logistics and Supply Chain Management. She completed her Postdoctoral Research Project at Kühne Logistics University (Hamburg, Germany), working on ‘Unilever’s 2020 Carbon Reduction Target for Logistics: An Analysis of the Company’s Options’. Sahar completed her PhD at Dublin City University (Dublin, Ireland) working on ‘Low-Carbon Multi-Objective Location-Routing in Supply Chain Network Design’. She started her career working as a researcher back in Iran and then took up an academic position with Azad University of Sanandaj, Iran. Her research interests, teaching and research experience, and publications lie in an interdisciplinary and overlapped area between Operational Research (OR) and Supply Chain and Logistics Management and are heavily influenced by Digital Transformation. She has constantly attempted to conduct applied research with impact, informed by the end user’s needs to drive the impact agenda. She has followed the same path in Iran (working on nationally funded projects to improve the productivity of local businesses in the West of Iran), then in Ireland (working on a multinational dairy company supply chain network for her PhD project to minimise carbon emission from their logistics network), and in Germany (working for Unilever to decarbonise their global logistics network in Asia, Africa, Americas, Europe). She is a member of the Operational Research Society and a reviewer of prestigious journals in the field. She consistently contributes to international conferences in the same area. Since working in the UK, she has developed effective working relationships with Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEP), Local Authorities and Council, and the Federation of Small Businesses and SMEs which resulted in a number of funded research projects and knowledge transfer partnerships. Sahar had led and contributed to several research projects, exceeding £2m. More details on Sahar's research interests are available on her profile here. PhD or Postdoctorate candidates, willing to pursue their research in any of these fields, can contact her directly. ------------------------------------------------ ''Recent Grants and Applications'' 2023: - AI for Net Zero - application (PI) UK Research and Innovation (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council) - Turning the World Risk Poll into Action - application (CI) Lloyds Register Foundation 2022: - Management Knowledge Transfer Programme (mKTP)- Enterprise Resource Planning (PI) Innovate UK, Knowledge Transfer Partnership - Net Zero Innovation Programme (PI) University College London – Local Government Association - Research solutions for UK treescape expansion and resilience - application (PI) UK Research and Innovation (Natural Environment Research Council) 2021: - Manufacturing Made Smarter Digital Innovation Hub - application (CI) UK Research and Innovation - Cloud Based Supply Chain Control Tower (PI) University Research Fund, Huddersfield - Centre for Biomimetic Societal Futures (CI) University Research Fund, Huddersfield - Collaborative Venture fund with W. T. Johnsons & Sons. (PI) University Research Fund, Huddersfield - Leeds City Region Supply Chain Programme-LEP (Academic Lead) European Structural and Investment Funds


University of Essex

  • Deputy Head of Group, (Strategy, Operations, and Entrepreneurship- SOE), University of Essex Business School (1/6/2024 - present)

  • Associate Director of Education, Essex Business School (2/10/2023 - 30/6/2024)

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Supply Chain Analytics

Supply Chain, Logistics & Transport Network Design; Supply Chain Planning & Control; Supply Chain Risk Management; Resilience; Forecasting; Supply Chain Mapping

Open to supervise

Operational Research

Modelling and Optimisation; Predictive Analytics; Prescriptive Analytics; Facility Location Models; Integrated Location Routing Modelling; Evolutionary Algorithms (meta- and hyper-heuristics)

Open to supervise

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems

Designing and Implementation; SMEs and ERP Systems Challenges; SAP SE Solutions

Open to supervise

Intelligent Decision Support Systems

Cloud-Based Dynamic Decision Support Systems; Digital Transformation and Decision Support Systems

Open to supervise

AI and Net Zero

Net-Zero and Digital Transformation; Sustainability in Supply Chains; Low-Carbon Logistics Systems

Open to supervise

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Data-Driven Decision Making (BE281)

  • Applied Business Analytics and Decision Making (BE225)


Journal articles (7)

Validi, S., Bhattacharya, A. and Byrne, PJ., (2021). An evaluation of three DoE-guided meta-heuristic-based solution methods for a three-echelon sustainable distribution network. Annals of Operations Research. 296 (1-2), 421-469

Tamazin, D., Tipi, N. and Validi, S., (2021). The Development of a Comprehensive Sustainable Supply Chain Performance Measurement Theoretical Framework in the Oil Refining Sector. International Journal of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering. 15 (1), 29-38

Validi, S., Bhattacharya, A. and Byrne, PJ., (2020). Sustainable distribution system design: a two-phase DoE-guided meta-heuristic solution approach for a three-echelon bi-objective AHP-integrated location-routing model. Annals of Operations Research. 290 (1-2), 191-222

Baryannis, G., Validi, S., Dani, S. and Antoniou, G., (2019). Supply chain risk management and artificial intelligence: state of the art and future research directions. International Journal of Production Research. 57 (7), 2179-2202

Validi, S., Bhattacharya, A. and Byrne, PJ., (2015). A solution method for a two-layer sustainable supply chain distribution model. Computers & Operations Research. 54, 204-217

Validi, S., Bhattacharya, A. and Byrne, PJ., (2014). Integrated low-carbon distribution system for the demand side of a product distribution supply chain: a DoE-guided MOPSO optimiser-based solution approach. International Journal of Production Research. 52 (10), 3074-3096

Validi, S., Bhattacharya, A. and Byrne, PJ., (2014). A case analysis of a sustainable food supply chain distribution system—A multi-objective approach. International Journal of Production Economics. 152, 71-87

Book chapters (1)

Baryannis, G., Dani, S., Validi, S. and Antoniou, G., (2019). Decision Support Systems and Artificial Intelligence in Supply Chain Risk Management. In: Springer Series in Supply Chain Management. Editors: Zsidisin, GA. and Henke, M., . Springer International Publishing. 53- 71. 9783030038120

Conferences (14)

McKinnon, A., Piecyk, M. and Validi, S., The Role of External Factors in the Decarbonisation of Companies’ Freight Transport Operations: German and UK Perspectives

Validi, S. and Byrne, PJ., A Review of Different Mathematical Techniques Used for Analysis and Designing Green Supply Chain Networks

Validi, S., Bhattacharya, A. and Byrne, PJ., Greening the Irish Food Market Supply Chain through Minimal Carbon Emission: An Integrated Multi-Objective Location-Routing Approach

Validi, S. and Besiou, M., Multiple-Criteria Decision Analysis in Humanitarian Supply Chains

Validi, S., Intelligent Decision Support Systems in Supply Chain Management

Mourhrib, W., Validi, S. and Dani, S., Conceptualising the Physical Internet: a system thinking approach

Validi, S., Mourhrib, W. and Dani, S., Physical Internet: Stakeholder Mapping

Validi, S., Evolutionary algorithms and supply chain network design: a comparative analysis on the effectiveness of heuristics, meta-heuristic, and hyper-heuristics

Validi, S., ). Facility Location Models: Applications of Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Methods

Zapan, A., Validi, S. and Dani, S., AI techniques and Intelligent Decision Support System – A structured literature review

Validi, S., Zapan, A. and Dani, S., Intelligent Decision Systems and Supply Chain Risk Management: the potential of AI

Validi, S., AI Evolutionary Algorithms in Designing Multi-Layered Supply Chain Networks: A Comparative Analysis

Validi, S., Dynamic Supply Chain Mapping: Backbone of a Tailored Intelligent Decision Support

Truong, L. and Validi, S., Supply Chain Mapping for Resilience, Visibility and Agility: What we have been missing toward Circular Economy?

Thesis dissertation (2)

Validi, S., Low-Carbon Multi-Objective Location-Routing in Supply Chain Network Design

Validi, S., Resource Allocation Optimisation using Queuing Model & Simulation Modelling- Case of a Textile Factory

Grants and funding


An Innovate to Elevate (I2E) project with Process Instruments to undertake an analysis of the business CRM/ERP Systems

Babergh and Mid Suffolk (Innovate to Elevate Programme)


Wealmoor KTP Application (KTP 24_25 R1)

Wealmoor Limited


To optimise business efficiency and effectiveness through improved adoption and implementation of enterprise resource planning

University of Huddersfield

+44 (0) 1702 328377


GB.3.16, Southend Campus

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